Friday, 9 January 2015

Best Dog Breeds For Home Protection

Dogs are owned by different group of people for different purposes. Some own dogs for personal protection, some for home protection, some for their kids and some because they simple love them. Whatever the purpose is dogs are always loved and appreciated.

Adopting a dog is a wonderful experience on many levels. In addition to a cuddly companion, you get unconditional love and unwavering devotion. In most cases, you also get your own personal security detail. Canines are naturally protective of their families, happily putting themselves in harm’s way if it means saving the life of a loved one. That is, assuming your pet is able to identify a potential threat and respond appropriately. It’s a skill that some dogs are better at than others.


Just the name of this breed is in itself intimidating. Of course, at first glance Bullmastiffs are just stocky little fellows, but don’t let their short stature fool you. Bullmastiffs are incredibly strong, and that strength along with their protection instincts make them a great option for keeping your home safe. These dauntless doggies also harbor intense family loyalty, so they also make great pets.

Doberman Pinscher

If you have a large piece of property that you are trying to protect, a Doberman Pinscher is a great guard dog for you. This breed is incredibly fast and is able to reach an intruder in a short amount of time. Known as the fifth-smartest dog breed in the world, Dobermans are fearless, alert, and loyal dogs.


Another loyal breed of dog, Boxers are perfect for families with children. These dogs tend to be extremely friendly and playful, with plenty of energy to play and stay alert for any potential dangers. Boxer’s are known for their love and intelligence which when combined create a tradition of fervent faithfulness.

Doberman Pinschers

One of the most common dog breeds, Doberman Pinschers make excellent guard dogs due to their dogged loyalty. These dogs tend to have a bright disposition and are extremely energetic. This attitude makes them brilliant at protecting their owners once the owner has sufficiently trained them. Dobermans are best suited for the indoors, so it’s best to get one only if you have plenty of room where you live and are willing to let your dog live inside.

German Shepherd

German shepherds are intelligent and quickly follow commands and this is why there are popular with police. They are bold, confident and fearless dogs with a calm demeanor inside the house but will quickly react if their people are threatened.


As they were originally bred to guard livestock, they retain their ability to guard your home as well. They have strong protective instincts and are a little territorial. These dogs are devoted and affectionate towards their family. They are happy dogs unless provoked.

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